
28 February 2009

No inspiration... No inspiration... No inspiration... No inspiration... No inspiration...

25 February 2009

The prettiest girl


20 February 2009

I don’t know what it is about today.
Is it because is so cold outside?…and I hate it, I hate feeling my hands cold, I hate the really cold breeze slapping my face. Or is it because I have my period?… that always makes me moody and cheesy... and pist of at the world.
I not sure what it is, but I feel lonely.
And I know I'm not alone, I have my lovely husband and my beautifull daughter pushing me forward. I know I have my brother & older sister one phone call away. I have my cousins that I never see and I have my aunts & uncles I never go to visit.But I don't have my mom to take care of me, I don't have my sister to be mad at, I don't have mis girlas to bright up my weekends and to have fun with, I don't have mi Juancho, he always knew where my north was, I'm a little lost without him. And I know I shouldn't be complaining, because I'm lucky and I'm so blessed. Life doesn't always turn out the way we plan it. I should be thankful and that's it. BUT NO. That's not it. This is how I feel today, so fuck it. This is my blog I do & say whatever I feel like it.


06 February 2009

Distance means so little when someone means so much