
15 March 2008

A votar por Amanda

La semana pasada mi suegra me convencio de entrar a Amanda en el concurso que escucho en la radio "NY MOST HUGGABLE BABY". Asi que si ya estamos en esto... Hay que ganar. Todo el que este leyendo, Pls vote:
Amanda L.


14 March 2008

You vs Your Significant Other

Mery vs Danny
1. Who eats more? HIM... BUT I'M NOT TO FAR
2. Who said "I love you" first? HE DID...
3. How long have you been together?: almost 5 YRS TOGETHER 11 MONTHS MARRIED
4. Who sings better? NEITHER 5. Who's older?: HE IS. I´M A KID
6. Who's smarter? WE EQUALLY SMART... but I am 7. Who's temper is worse? I DO. BUT HE IS NOT TO FAR FROM MINE.
8. Who does the laundry? BOTH
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? HE DOES. That's unconfortable for me. 11. Who snores? HE DOES!!! BUT IF IM A LIL STUFFY, I MIGHT BREATH A LIL TINY BIT HEAVY...
12. Who's hair is longer? MINE 13. Who's better with the computer?: HE IS...
14. Do you have pets? AMANDA COUNTS? 15. Who pays the bills? FOR NOW HE DOES
16. Who cooks dinner? USUALLY ME
17. Who drives when you are together? HE DOES. I LIKE TO HAVE A DRIVER.
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Lately HE DOES
19. Who is the most stubborn?: I AM! BY FAR!
20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? ME. I THINK HE'S STILL WORKING ON IT...
21. Who's parents do you see more? LATELY HIS.
22. Who named your pet(s)? AGAIN AMANDA COUNTS?
23. Who kissed who first? I THINKS IT WAS ME :P
24. Who asked who out? HIM
26. Who's more sensitive? I AM BUT HE HAVE HIS MOMENTS
27. Who's taller?: HE IS
29. Who has more siblings? I DO!! I have double what he has!!
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship? 50/50 (HE MAY READ THIS)
Now repost as You Vs Your significant other.... It's kinda fun to think about it and reminisce....

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04 March 2008

Amandita y sus Fashion Styles

Fashion Style No.1
Fashion Style No.2 Fashion Style No.3
